How to Find Guests For Your Podcast

Having guests on your podcast can be a great way to bring in new listeners and add variety to your show. But how do you go about finding and booking guests?

Today, we’ll be sharing everything you need to know about getting guests on your podcast. Let’s explore.

Benefits of having guests on your podcast

If you’re looking to liven up your podcast and attract new listeners, one way to do that is by inviting guests to be part of your show. Having guests on your podcast can offer a number of benefits, both for you and your listeners.

  • To add new perspectives: Inviting guests can be a great way to bring in some fresh viewpoints. If your show discusses finance, for example, you might invite a financial planner to come on and offer tips. This can give your listeners some new information to help them in their own lives.
  • To interview experts: If there’s someone you’ve always wanted to interview but haven’t had the chance, inviting them to be a guest on your podcast is a great way to make it happen.
  • To build relationships: Spending time talking with someone on your podcast is a great way to build a relationship with them. This can be beneficial if you ever want to collaborate on a project or if you’re looking to network in your industry.
  • To grow your audience: When you have high-profile guests on your show, it can help bring in new listeners who might not have otherwise found your show. You can also encourage all of your guests to promote their episode to their contacts so more people can discover it.

Where to find guests for your podcast

There are a number of ways to find potential guests for your podcast. You can start by reaching out to people you know, either personally or through your professional network. We recommend using LinkedIn as a tool to find and connect with potential guests.

Another option is to use a service like, which connects podcasters with potential guests. This can be a helpful option if you’re having trouble finding the right people to be guests on your show.

When you’re reaching out to potential guests, be sure to have a clear idea of what you’d like them to talk about on your show. This will make it easier for them to prepare and it will help ensure that your listeners get the most out of the episode.

If you’re looking for experts on a particular topic, you can search online or look through industry publications to find potential guests. For example, if you’re looking for someone to talk about the latest trends in digital marketing, you might search Google or look through recent articles on

You can also use social media to find potential guests for your podcast. Twitter is a great place to start your search. You can use hashtags related to your topic to find people who are passionate about what you’re talking about. If you’re looking for guests for a podcast about parenting, you might search for the hashtag #parenting.

How to get guests to say yes to being on your podcast

Now that you know where to find potential guests for your podcast, it’s time to start reaching out to them. The best way to do this is by sending a personalized email or message.

Remember, chances are the person you would like to have as a guest receives many proposals, so you want to make sure your request stands out. Keep it short and to the point, and be clear about what you’d like them to talk about on your show.

It can also be helpful to mention any benefits they might get from being a guest on your show. For example, you could mention that they would have an opportunity to share their expertise with your audience or that they would be able to promote their latest book or project.

If you’re not sure how to get started, we’ve created a template you can use when reaching out to potential guests.

Hi ____,

I’m _____, the host of _____ podcast. I was _____ and noticed that you’re an expert on _____. We have over ____ episodes, _____ listeners and _____ downloads.

I’d love to have you as a guest on my show to talk about _____. I think it would be great to have you on as a guest because _____. I’m sure our listeners would love to hear _____.

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to send you more information about the show.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


This template can be adapted to fit your own needs and style, but it’s a great starting point for reaching out to potential guests. Once you’ve sent your request, it’s important to follow up. If you don’t hear back after a week or so, send another email or message.

If you still don’t hear back, you can try reaching out one more time. If you still don’t get a response, it’s probably best to move on and look for other potential guests.

How do you know if you’re ready to have guests on your podcast?

So, how do you know if you’re ready to start having guests on your podcast? Here are a few things to consider:

  • Do you have a regular listenership? If you’re just starting out, it might be best to wait until you’ve built up a regular listenership before inviting guests onto your show. This will help ensure that more people tune in to hear your guests.
  • Are you prepared to promote your guests? One of the benefits of having guests on your show is that they can help promote your podcast to their audience. But you need to be prepared to promote them as well. Make sure you have a plan for how you’ll promote your guests and their episode before you reach out to them.
  • Do you have the time? Hosting guests on your show will take some additional time and preparation. If you’re not sure you have the time to commit, it might be best to wait until you do.

Remember, you don’t have to have guests on your show if you don’t want to. There are many perks to having guests, but ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you want to invite them to your show.

What are some things to keep in mind when having guests on your podcast?

When you’ve found someone you’d like to have on your show, the next step is to contact them and ask if they’re interested in being a guest. Many people are flattered by the request and will be happy to say yes.

However, some people may be hesitant to commit or may not have the time available. In that case, it’s perfectly fine to move on and look for other potential guests. The most vital thing is that you find someone who is excited about being on your show.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when having guests on your podcast

  • Be clear about what you’d like your guests to talk about. This will help them prepare and it will ensure that your listeners get the most out of the episode. Nobody likes wasting time, so make sure you’re clear about what you want from your guests before they arrive.
  • Prepare questions in advance. This will help you keep the conversation on track and it will make sure you don’t run out of things to say.
  • Listen. One of the best things you can do as a host is to listen to your guests. This will help you keep the conversation flowing and it will ensure that you don’t miss anything important they have to say.
  • Be respectful. Remember, your guests are taking time out of their day to talk to you. Make sure you show them the respect they deserve by being professional and courteous.

The bottom line

Having guests on your podcast can be a great way to add new perspectives and fresh ideas. But it’s important to make sure you’re prepared before you reach out to potential guests.

By following the tips above, you can ensure that your guests have a positive experience and that your listeners get the most out of the episode.

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