10 Tips for creating fresh ideas for your podcast episode or season

Creating a compelling podcast series requires a consistent stream of quality topics your audience cares about. With a genuine interest in your overall topic, finding topics for each episode or season becomes simpler. However, even with a true passion for a topic, finding new ideas for content to cover every episode can be tough. Much like writer’s block, there are ways you can break through a creative wall to start coming up with fresh ideas for new episodes and seasons.

So, here are ten ways you can find inspiration when coming up with ideas for your next podcast episode or season.

Consider All Facets of Your Interests

You need to have a passion for or drive for the prominent podcast themes you cover to benefit from wrapping up those topics. You want people to believe that the information they are receiving is genuine. The initial step toward achieving this goal is picking a topic you are interested in and enthusiastic about sharing with your audience.

Evaluate what would make an engaging discussion for a podcast episode. It may be anything, from the world of business and economics to the realm of psychology. It could even be anything quite as basic as cuisine or culinary.

Observe Particular Hashtags on Social Networking Sites

Follow the trendiest hashtags on social media that are relevant to your area. In addition to being a terrific method to stay current with trends, it is also a wonderful source of episode inspiration. You can also use this research for promoting your podcast on social media.

Take part in some Facebook and Pinterest circles relevant to your topic while you are on social networking sites to find out what people are discussing over.

Check Out the Library

Take a look at some of the books associated with your topic. Examine the articles published in periodicals and newspapers that deal with subjects similar to your podcast. Explore the site in search of articles that present novel points of view and intriguing twists on familiar topics.

You may have just previously discussed a topic. Still, the most current issue of the publication or journal in the field may have offered a fresh perspective or approach to looking at matters that may spark a unique conversation.


Some individuals use the term brain dump to refer to generating ideas in this manner. You begin by selecting a clock, then taking a sheet or a document and writing continuously until the timer beeps off.

When implementing this idea generation option, give it little thought, and do not try to develop ideas for individual episodes. Just scribble down anything and whatever comes to your head. It is perfectly acceptable for the content you eventually write to have absolutely nothing to do with the podcast you produce. Sometimes, the simple act of jotting down everything going through your head helps clear up room in your brain, allowing you to think of fresh ideas for your program.

Engage Yourself in an Activity that is Completely Unrelated to the subject you are Discussing

Likely, you can not think of any ideas for the podcast because you have been concentrating so intently on it that your creative juices have run dry.

Putting on a playlist from a different genre, reading for pleasure, or even binge-watching an old episode of your favorite program can occasionally stimulate the creative juices going, mainly since you are not attempting to produce anything at the moment.

Engaging in an activity that you find enjoyable can stimulate your imagination and increase your level of productivity. You can never predict when the creative juices will start flowing and when something will spark.

Make the Podcast Subject Distinctive

You really must identify something to differentiate yourself from the competition. Luckily, we are all unique, and every one of us has something worthwhile to contribute to the world. Determine what makes you stand out from others and make that your starting point when thinking of ideas for amazing podcasts.

Consider approaching a problem from a novel or fresh perspective. Alternatively, you could focus on a specialized area that has yet to get well explored. You can do podcasting in infinite ways, and you need help to produce a podcast in the same manner you can.

Interact with Your Listeners

In the following section, ask those listening what they want to hear more. Be as specific as possible in your query so that you can increase the likelihood that you will receive useful responses. From that, you are likely to obtain at least one, but possibly multiple, outstanding themes that will help you along the way and maintain your audience captivated and interested in what you have to say. This is also a great way to start building a community around your podcast.

Ask Me Anything Episode

Starting a ask me anything series, often known as an AMA, is a terrific approach to allowing the followers to contribute content ideas. You should inform your listeners that they are welcome to ask you any questions on your topic.

Listeners occasionally need help coming up with the right words when speakers ask them what they prefer to hear on the podcast. With an AMA series, it seems more like a dialogue from which they will learn anything.

In the end, listeners are more receptive to participating in exchange for having their inquiries addressed live on the program or via social media.

If you are Not Currently Participating in Interviews, Begin Doing So

You might not want to interview guests on every podcast, as that would change the dynamic of your show. However, if you have never tried this before, consider including it in the cycle of sessions to inject some fresh identity into the content time frame.

If you can not think of anything else to do, at least produce a few supplementary episodes and watch how your audience reacts to them.

Alternately, suppose you exclusively conduct interviews on the podcast. In that case, you might want to consider doing a few episodes where you do not have a guest and instead talk about your personal opinions and feelings regarding the episode’s subject matter to shake things up and give your content a fresh new perspective.

Visit Discussion Boards

Individuals who are interested in unusual and intriguing issues will start asking questions that are likewise intriguing and elicit responses that are as bizarre as possible while also posing interesting questions for you to ponder.

Pay Attention to What Professionals Working in Similar Fields Have to Say

Although it is never a smart option to copy someone else’s work, studying about or listening to other professionals in your field can provide valuable insight into the themes that are important to the people consuming your work.

Ponder how you might add your unique spin to a trending subject. Deepen your understanding of the topic, or bring a fresh point of view to the table regarding something already covered.

Revamp Previous Content

When looking for new ideas for content, the themes you have already talked about can often provide you with the most inspiration. While looking over your old content, you can also begin repurposing old content.

Examine older episodes you have already recorded or some of the older blog entries you have already published. Since it was published, reflect on it. Have you had any fresh experiences or gained any knowledge you wish you had shared? Now is the perfect time to discuss it.


Creative blocks are inevitable, and the volume and density in the podcasting field could be better. Luckily, there are ways to keep these juices flowing and produce a new output. Regardless of the topic you decide to cover, if you tackle it with enthusiasm and effort to deliver high-quality work, you will undoubtedly attract an audience that shares the same curiosity in your subject material.

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