We create episodes and we release them to the world- but who are you actually talking to? You’d be amazed at how many podcasters really haven’t thought about it this question. Not only do you want listeners, but you want the right listeners. And that starts with you- because you’re creating the content.
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In real life, if you try talking to someone you don’t really know, it’s a tad bit awkward, right? That’s why we’re creating your audience avatar- it’s a breakdown of your ideal listener. This is a really important step that will help personalize your podcast so your audience feels like you’re speaking directly to them.
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Ok, go-getter! Let’s break down all the essential steps needed in order to launch your podcast. We recommend downloading a copy of our checklist so you have the satisfaction of checking things off as you complete each step! We also recommend you get our customized Podcast Launch Guide Trello template that has these exact same steps but in a digital format.
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There are two ways to run ads or promos in your podcast: dynamic ad insertion (DAI) or baked-in ads. Let’s break down why we feel dynamic ad insertion is the best option for both podcasters and advertisers.
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Listening to a podcast is very personal. Usually, people are wearing headphones or earbuds and it can sound like you’re talking directly to the person- which is pretty cool. So, it’s important to know who you’re talking to. Creating an audience avatar will help you define exactly who that person is.
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Your artwork is crucial to the overall success of your podcast. It’s the equivalent of a book cover for a book. Everyone says “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, and yet most people still do. It’s the same thing with podcasts. This handout shows some examples of really great eye-catching artwork, as well as artwork that could use some tweaks to really make it work. Notice the difference. It’s big.
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