Your podcast listeners are the most important part of your show. Because if you don’t have an audience, then you really don’t have a podcast. So, it’s really important we can identify them from the very beginning and create content specifically for them.
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More podcasters would be successful if they stopped treating their show like a hobby, and instead treated it more like a business. This is a smart approach even if you don’t plan to make money with your podcast. The first thing I tell new podcasters is to do a little market research.
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One common way to make money with your podcast is by running ads on your show that promote other people’s products and services. If your podcast is hosted with Megaphone, our network’s preferred podcast host provider, you have the option of having Megaphone’s team sell ads for you. This is called the Megaphone Targeted Marketplace, or MTM.
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You’ve spent a lot of time and energy creating your podcast. But, what do you do with it when it’s ready to be released to the world? While this may seem like a daunting task, the process is actually pretty straight forward. There’s really only three places where your RSS feed needs to be.
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Even if you’re not a numbers person, it’s important to understand your podcast stats. Knowing how many people are listening, where they’re listening and with what device can help you make educated content and marketing decisions. Learn how you can utilize Megaphone’s statistics and reports to improve the success of your podcast.
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Let’s say 10 businesses call you today because they want to advertise on your podcast. All of them are interested in running ads for multiple months during different times of the year. How would you figure that out? It’s time to start really understand what inventory you have on your podcast.
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