Podcast Planning

Podcaster Training

How to Become a Podcast Guest

If you’re a fan of podcasts, you’ve probably thought about being a guest on one. After all, it’s a great way to share your ideas with a larger audience. But how do you become a guest on other people’s podcasts? And what should you do to make the most of the opportunity? In this post, we’ll share some tips for becoming a great podcast guest!

How to Record Your Video Podcast

Like a lot of people, you may have started podcasting as a way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. But did you know that you can also use your podcast to create engaging video content? In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about filming your podcast – from equipment needed to tips for getting the best results.

Best Podcast Host Providers- Podcasting for Beginners

If you’re new to podcasting, the number of podcast hosting providers out there can be downright daunting. How do you choose the right one for you? In this blog post, we’ll break down the best podcast host providers for beginners and help make your decision a little bit easier. So, whether you’re just starting out […]

How to Find Guests For Your Podcast

Having guests on your podcast can be a great way to bring in new listeners and add variety to your show. But how do you go about finding and booking guests? Today, we’ll be sharing everything you need to know about getting guests on your podcast. Let’s explore.


Know Your Podcast Listeners

Your podcast listeners are the most important part of your show. Because if you don’t have an audience, then you really don’t have a podcast. So, it’s really important we can identify them from the very beginning and create content specifically for them.


Do Market Research for Your Podcast

More podcasters would be successful if they stopped treating their show like a hobby, and instead treated it more like a business. This is a smart approach even if you don’t plan to make money with your podcast. The first thing I tell new podcasters is to do a little market research.

Know Your Podcast Listeners

Podcasting is a very personal medium. When you are talking to your listeners, they are usually hearing you through their earbuds. It’s a one-on-one experience. So, who exactly are you talking to? It’s important to figure this out quickly so you can create the best topics and find the ideal advertisers.

Do Research BEFORE You Start Your Podcast!

Whether you’re just starting a podcast, or you’ve been podcasting a long time… you need to do regular market research. In other words, you need to know what other podcasters are already doing with their shows. In this video, I’ll share my personal method for staying connected and getting great ideas to help improve my podcasts!

Should You Copyright Protect Your Podcast?

You’ve worked really hard on your podcast, shouldn’t you protect it? Yes, ideally, but it can be costly. And most podcasters aren’t necessarily in a financial position to invest money into copyright if they’re just testing things out. So, what do you do?

Why Your Podcast Needs a Script or Outline

I’m amazed at how many podcasters don’t have some sort of script or outline for their podcast. Having a document that at least outlines your episode is essential for you, your guests, and your editor. Don’t know where to start? Here are some great tips for improving your scriptwriting and your overall delivery.

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Podcast Your Business helps entrepreneurs and small businesses create podcasts that increase revenue and brand awareness. Each week, Sunny provides practical tips and inspirational stories that motivate you to meet your podcasting goals!

Is Starting A Podcast Best For Your Business?

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