Podcast Production

Podcaster Training

7 Tips to Make an Engaging Hook for Your Podcast

With over 4 million podcasts globally, it can seem like an insurmountable task to make yours stand out. One way you can catch the attention of listeners looking for a new podcast is with an engaging hook. So, what is a hook for your podcast, why is it so important, and how can you create […]

Podcast Editing 101: How to Remove Background Noise

Whether it’s the hum of a computer fan or the roar of traffic outside your window, background noise can ruin an otherwise great podcast recording. But, with the right recording techniques and editing tools, even noisy environments can produce crisp, clean audio. Common Sources of Background Noise Background noise can come from almost anywhere. That’s […]

How to Structure an Engaging Podcast Episode with a Clear Story

A compelling podcast tells a great story. It takes listeners on a journey, revealing new insights and perspectives along the way. But, crafting a structure that tells your story in a way that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish is not an easy task. So, this article teaches you the techniques for shaping a captivating story arc that leaves your listeners at the edge of their seats.

4 Ways AI Tools Can Improve the Productivity of Your Podcast

Podcasting has exploded into one of the most popular on-demand media formats. But producing a high-quality show requires significant time across tasks like recording, editing, transcription, and promotion. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) tools have emerged to optimize major podcasting workflows. Leveraging these technologies can massively improve your productivity. So, this article covers 4 ways AI […]

Podcast Transcriptions and Show Notes

Transcriptions can be a great way to promote your podcast, but probably not for the reason you think. I’ll share with you my personal experience and how you can use transcriptions to grow your audience. Show notes are elaborate episode descriptions that may include detailed information about what’s inside your episode and even have time codes and links to additional resources. This can be helpful for SEO purposes and to also provide a great service to your audience.

Aircheck or Review Your Podcast Episodes

In order for your podcast to grow, you need to have some honest feedback. In the radio and television world, they call this type of review an “aircheck”. It requires someone to listen to an episode, and provide constructive criticism on everything from your content to your overall production quality.

Storing and Organizing Your Podcast Files

Congrats! You’re done recording your first episode! Now, what do you do with all the files? Keeping your files organized is super important – especially if you’re bulk recording or recording for multiple podcasts. In this video, I share some of my favorite tips on keeping your desktop neat and clean!

Your Guide to Purchasing the Perfect Podcast Microphone

Not all microphones are created equal. The type of microphone you use is based on how you plan to use it. In this guide, we’ll review some of the main factors your need to consider when purchasing your podcasting mic. We also do a mic test with some of my favorite mics so you hear how they sound!

Interviewing Your Podcast Guests

Podcast hosts can make or break your podcast. But what exactly is their role? And what are some best practices when involving guests in your show? I’ve been fortunate to host hundreds of podcast episodes and book too many guests to count. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way..

Basic Podcast Recording Tips

The more your record, the more you learn… and the better your overall workflow will become. But, I have learned some tricks along the way to make your recording run as smoothly as possible. And that’s what this video is all about.

Recording Your Podcast: Local Vs. Remote

You’ve got a couple of different ways you can record your podcast episodes. I recommend getting an account with Zencastr. This is a remote recording platform that allows you and your guests to meet at the same link so you can record all of their tracks separately.

What Tasks Should You Outsource for Your Podcast?

From content creation to audio production, a successful podcast requires the perfect execution of every task involved. That’s why more and more podcasters are turning to outsourcing as a way to save time, streamline their workflow, and produce high-quality content. But how do you know which tasks to outsource, and where to find the right talent?

Your Podcast Episode Checklist

There are a lot of steps involved in creating a podcast episode from scratch, so I’ve created a special checklist for you. Be sure to download it! We’ll dive into each of these steps throughout this course, but this checklist is a great way to ensure you’re making progress and staying on track so you can release each episode on time!

4 Tips to Improve the Sound Quality of Your Podcast

As a podcaster, you don’t want your listeners to have that experience. You want them to hear your message loud and clear, and to keep coming back for more. But with so many factors affecting sound quality, where do you even begin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we give you four tips that can help you improve the sound quality of your podcast, no matter your level of experience.

5 Tips to encourage more effective interviews for your podcast

Do you feel like your guests are just going through the motions instead of bringing their A-game to your show? We feel you! As fellow podcasters, we understand the struggle of creating content that truly resonates with your audience. That’s why we’ve put together this article to help you elevate your interviewing game and produce content that your listeners will love.

How to Convert Live Broadcasts into Podcasts

Starting with a high-quality live broadcast is essential to turning your live broadcasts into podcasts. It directly correlates with the quality of podcasts you can produce. When you plan on turning your live broadcast into a podcast, you need to create a solid plan for your broadcast.

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Podcast Your Business helps entrepreneurs and small businesses create podcasts that increase revenue and brand awareness. Each week, Sunny provides practical tips and inspirational stories that motivate you to meet your podcasting goals!

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